The Ocean Freedive Resort Bali

The Ocean Freedive Resort Bali Resort pro Freediving - Indonéský ostrov Bali, výlety za podmořskými krásami, kurzy potápění, jogy.

když už vás omrzí výhled na moře (což se určitě nestane), můžete se kochat i sopkou Agung, nejvyšším vrcholem Bali, kter...

když už vás omrzí výhled na moře (což se určitě nestane), můžete se kochat i sopkou Agung, nejvyšším vrcholem Bali, který na nás vykukuje zpoza našich bungalowů 😍🌋

Banana smoothie bowl můžeš klidně snídat i v bazénu, pokud je na tebe venku moc horko 🤪😍

Banana smoothie bowl můžeš klidně snídat i v bazénu, pokud je na tebe venku moc horko 🤪😍

zátoka v městečku Tulamben, jen 8 minut na skútru z rezortu🛵🤩do Tulambenu můžete vyrazit jak na šnorchlování, na kávu, t...

zátoka v městečku Tulamben, jen 8 minut na skútru z rezortu🛵🤩

do Tulambenu můžete vyrazit jak na šnorchlování, na kávu, tak i na večerní posezení na pláži třeba i s malým táborákem pod širým nebem plným hvězd ✨

den u nás pravidelně končíme na molu s výhledem na moře, jen si sednout, koukat na moře a poslouchat vlny 💆🏻🌅

den u nás pravidelně končíme na molu s výhledem na moře, jen si sednout, koukat na moře a poslouchat vlny 💆🏻🌅

po vyčerpávajícím dni si můžeš z našeho menu vybrat něco dobrého i z Balijské kuchyně! Jako například toto Bihun Goreng ...

po vyčerpávajícím dni si můžeš z našeho menu vybrat něco dobrého i z Balijské kuchyně! Jako například toto Bihun Goreng 🤤🥢 Objednat si můžeš i online a náš skvělý personál ti jídlo donese kamkoliv po resortu, takže ani nemusíš vylézat z bazénu! 🤩

náš 25 metrů dlouhý bazén je skvělé místo nejen na trénink dynamik, ale i na obyčejné zaplavání si ve sladké vodě, když ...

náš 25 metrů dlouhý bazén je skvělé místo nejen na trénink dynamik, ale i na obyčejné zaplavání si ve sladké vodě, když máte moře dost 😍🐠

our 25 metres long pool is a great place not only for dynamics training but also for a casual swim in sweet water when you're already fed up with the ocean 😍🐠

sunset lover? but have you ever tried sunrise? Sunrises in our resort are spectacular! 😍 and the best part? in summer th...

sunset lover? but have you ever tried sunrise? Sunrises in our resort are spectacular! 😍 and the best part? in summer the sun rises around 6:20 so you don't have to wake up super super early to catch it! 🤩🌞

jsi milovník západů slunce? a už si někdy zkusil i jeho východ? U nás v rezortu jsou východy slunce opravdu okouzlující! 😍 a co je na tom nejlepší? V létě slunce vychází kolem 6:20, takže se nemusíš budit extra brzo, abys ho stihl! 🤩🌞

Chorvatsko, den 6.  není vždycky jen peříčko, ale jsem u vody, na vodě, pod vodou, a myslim, že se stávám za ty roky víc...

Chorvatsko, den 6.

není vždycky jen peříčko, ale jsem u vody, na vodě, pod vodou, a myslim, že se stávám za ty roky víc a víc tímhle živlem.

"Naleješ vodu do nádoby, přizpůsobí se, dostane tvar
Necháš ji zmrznout, bude pevná jak skála.
Zahřeješ ji, mizí ve vzduchu.
Reaguje, vnímá, mění se, žije.

Buď vodu, příteli."

(moje parafráze z knihy "Buď vodou, příteli." od Shannon Lee)

Mějte krásnou modrou noc, a spěte jako když vás do vody hodí...

Víte že máme hotovou restauraci, a že si u nás můžete objednat velký dobroty, ať už ve veganske variantě, nebo klasiku?M...

Víte že máme hotovou restauraci, a že si u nás můžete objednat velký dobroty, ať už ve veganske variantě, nebo klasiku?
Makali jsme na tom docela dlouho, a menu je nyní i online na webu
Link in bio.

A přijeďte, budeme rádi.

Martin, cz

Huraaa, léto u nás s těmito dvěma uzasnaky bude top.Přijeďte 🙏The Ocean Freedive Resort  Bali

Huraaa, léto u nás s těmito dvěma uzasnaky bude top.
Přijeďte 🙏
The Ocean Freedive Resort Bali

Kdybych se vam už nikdy neozval, tak je to proto, že mi nejde spojit Google, facebook, Insta, a vlastně ani volat. Mejte...

Kdybych se vam už nikdy neozval, tak je to proto, že mi nejde spojit Google, facebook, Insta, a vlastně ani volat. Mejte trpělivost, větší než ja. Jdu si to brzy hodit. Aloha, děcka.

Máme těsně na spadnutí výlet na The Ocean Freedive Resort Bali, až do vánoc... A Věda potřebovala novy neoprén i k nám n...

Máme těsně na spadnutí výlet na The Ocean Freedive Resort Bali, až do vánoc... A Věda potřebovala novy neoprén i k nám na bazénové tréninky.
A taky má svátek!
Takže...napsal jsem .greplova.9 z .pro a druhý den byla tahle paráda doma.
Takže, perfektní práce a výraz děcka mluví za vše.

Děkuji, Míšo, za ty roky spolupráce.



New courses starts at march and april! Check our website

Cant wait to go back to Bali.
Only three weeks left and bys bys Europe rainy days...

🤤🥘Bali is known for its rich and delicious cuisine that is influenced by various cultures and traditions. Here are some ...

🤤🥘Bali is known for its rich and delicious cuisine that is influenced by various cultures and traditions. Here are some of the most popular traditional dishes that you should definitely try during your stay in Bali:
Babi Guling - Roast pig stuffed with spices and vegetables, served with rice, vegetables, and sauce.
Nasi Goreng - A mixture of rice, vegetables, meat or shrimp, eggs, and spices fried on a pan, usually served with peanut sauce.
Satay - Pieces of chicken, beef, or pork on a skewer, grilled and served with spicy peanut sauce.
Gado-Gado - A mixture of boiled vegetables (especially beans, carrots, and cabbage) served with peanut sauce.
Soto Ayam - Chicken soup with rice, egg, vegetables, and spices.
Lawar - Salad with ground meat, vegetables, and spices, served with rice.
Bubur Ayam - Creamy rice porridge with chicken, vegetables, and spices.
These dishes are just a small selection of what Bali has to offer.
We use the delivery of local meals from proven local chefs to the resort directly to the resort for the ordered time. menus are part of each room

Bali je známá svou bohatou a chutnou kuchyní, která je ovlivněna různými kulturami a tradicemi. Zde jsou některá z nejoblíbenějších tradičních jídel, která byste si měli určitě vyzkoušet během svého pobytu na Bali:
Babi Guling - Pečené prasátko nádivkou z koření a zeleniny, servírované s rýží, zeleninou a omáčkou.
Nasi Goreng - Směs rýže, zeleniny, masa nebo krevet, vajec a koření smažená na pánvi, obvykle podávaná s arašídovou omáčkou.
Satay - Kousky kuřecího, hovězího nebo vepřového masa na špejli, grilované a podávané s kořeněnou arašídovou omáčkou.
Gado-Gado - směs vařené zeleniny (zejména fazolí, mrkve a zelí) podávané s arašídovou omáčkou.
Soto Ayam - kuřecí polévka s rýží, vejcem, zeleninou a kořením.
Lawar - Salát s mletým masem, zeleninou a kořením, podávaný s rýží.
Bubur Ayam - krémová rýžová kaše s kuřecím masem, zeleninou a kořením.
Využíváme donášku lokálních jídel od prověřených místních kuchařů až přímo do resortu na objednaný čas.
Jídelní lístky jsou součástí každého pokoje.

🐠Fauna you can see here 🐠🐠Pennant coralfish are a family of brightly colored, reef-dwelling fish found in the tropical w...

🐠Fauna you can see here 🐠
🐠Pennant coralfish are a family of brightly colored, reef-dwelling fish found in the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their striking colors and patterns.

🐠These fish have a distinctive triangular shape and long, flowing fins that make them look like miniature birds in flight. They are sometimes called "butterflyfish" for this reason.

🐠Pennant coralfish are omnivores and feed on a variety of small invertebrates, algae, and zooplankton. They use their sharp beaks to pick food off the reef.

🐠Many species of Pennant coralfish form monogamous pairs and mate for life. They often engage in elaborate courtship behaviors, including chasing and swimming in circles around each other.

🐠Pennant coralfish are important indicators of the health of coral reefs, as they are sensitive to changes in water quality and habitat degradation. Some species have also been overfished for the aquarium trade, leading to declines in wild populations.

We love local fruit!! 😍🍉Which one is your favourite? 🤤

We love local fruit!! 😍🍉
Which one is your favourite? 🤤

🌊Equipement for your snorkeling🌊As part of the resort, we offer snorkeling equipment, which will allow you to explore th...

🌊Equipement for your snorkeling🌊
As part of the resort, we offer snorkeling equipment, which will allow you to explore the beautiful underwater world of our coastline. 😌Whether you are a beginner or an experienced snorkeler, you will be able to discover the beauties of the underwater world without any restrictions. So if you are planning to come to us and go snorkeling, you don't have to bring anything with you - we have prepared all the necessary equipment for you.
Price for complete equipment 5EUR/day


Vybavení pro šnorchlování
V rámci resortu nabízíme vybavení pro šnorchlování, díky kterému budete moci objevovat nádherný podmořský svět našeho pobřeží. Ať už jste začátečník nebo zkušený šnorchlař, budete moci objevovat krásy podvodního světa bez jakýchkoliv omezení. Takže pokud se k nám chystáte a plánujete šnorchlovat, nemusíte si nic nosit s sebou - my jsme pro Vás připravili veškeré potřebné vybavení.
Poplatek za kompletní vybavení 5EUR/den

🐠Fauna you can see here 🐠🐟Clownfish are known for their bright orange color and white stripes, which help them blend in ...

🐠Fauna you can see here 🐠
🐟Clownfish are known for their bright orange color and white stripes, which help them blend in with the sea anemones they live among.

🐠These fish are one of the only species that are immune to the sting of sea anemones, which means they can safely swim among their tentacles without being harmed.

🐠Clownfish live in a symbiotic relationship with sea anemones, which provide them with protection and a place to lay their eggs. In return, the clownfish clean the anemone and provide it with food.

🐠Clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites, which means they are born male but can change into females as they mature. In a group of clownfish, the largest fish is usually female, and the next largest is male.

🐠The famous movie "Finding Nemo" has helped make clownfish one of the most popular fish in the aquarium trade. However, capturing wild clownfish for the pet trade can harm wild populations and their symbiotic relationship with sea anemones.

Who can't wait for snorkeling/freediving experience?  😍😍🌊

Who can't wait for snorkeling/freediving experience? 😍😍🌊

✈️ If you're looking for a comfortable way to get to our resort, we offer you the option of a taxi transfer. You can use...

✈️ If you're looking for a comfortable way to get to our resort, we offer you the option of a taxi transfer. You can use this service upon your arrival at the airport, where our driver will be waiting for you and take you directly to our resort.
The journey to us takes approximately 2.5 hours, but don't worry, it will be a beautiful journey full of stunning views and picturesque scenery that you can enjoy during the ride.
The price for the taxi transfer is 50 euros per car. So if you don't want to deal with finding the right connection or carrying heavy luggage, don't hesitate to use our taxi transfer service. We will be happy to provide you with a comfortable and hassle-free journey to our resort.

50 Euro/ car


Pokud hledáte pohodlný způsob, jak se dostat k nám, nabízíme vám možnost dovozu taxíkem. Tuto službu můžete využít při svém příjezdu na letiště, kde vás bude náš řidič čekat a vás přímo k nám do resortu.
Cesta k nám trvá přibližně 2,5 hodiny, ale nebojte se, bude to krásná cesta plná úchvatných výhledů a malebných scenérií, které si budete moci užít už při cestě.
50 Euro/ na celé auto

🐠Fauna you can see here 🐠🐠Pseudanthias evansi, also known as Evan's Anthias or the Yellowtail Goldie, is a species of ma...

🐠Fauna you can see here 🐠
🐠Pseudanthias evansi, also known as Evan's Anthias or the Yellowtail Goldie, is a species of marine fish from the family Serranidae.

🐠Pseudanthias evansi is a small, brightly colored fish with a predominantly pink body and yellow tail.

🐠Pseudanthias evansi is a planktivore, which means that it primarily feeds on small zooplankton and other microscopic organisms.

🐠Like many other anthias species, Pseudanthias evansi is a hermaphrodite, which means that it is capable of changing s*x from female to male.

🐠Male Pseudanthias evansi are typically larger and more brightly colored than females, and they also have elongated dorsal fins.

🐠In the wild, Pseudanthias evansi forms large shoals or schools, which can consist of hundreds of individuals.

🐠The Yellowtail Goldie is a popular species for saltwater aquariums due to its striking appearance and active behavior.

🐠In aquariums, Pseudanthias evansi requires a balanced diet of small meaty foods and zooplankton, as well as a strong water flow to simulate its natural environment.

🐠The conservation status of Pseudanthias evansi is currently unknown, but like many other marine species, it may be threatened by overfishing and habitat destruction.

🐠Pseudanthias evansi is named after Michael A. Evans, a marine biologist who conducted extensive research on the biology and behavior of anthias species.

Take your little ones on holiday with you! ☀️

Take your little ones on holiday with you! ☀️

🐢Fauna you can see here 🐢🐢Sea turtles are a common sight in the waters around Bali, an Indonesian island known for its s...

🐢Fauna you can see here 🐢

🐢Sea turtles are a common sight in the waters around Bali, an Indonesian island known for its stunning beaches and marine biodiversity. Here are some interesting things about sea turtles in Bali:

🐢Bali is home to several species of sea turtles, including green turtles, hawksbill turtles, and loggerhead turtles.

🐢Sea turtles play an important role in maintaining the health of coral reefs, as they help to control populations of algae and other marine organisms.

🐢The beaches of Bali are important nesting sites for sea turtles, with females returning to the same beaches where they were born to lay their eggs.

🐢Unfortunately, sea turtles in Bali are threatened by a variety of factors, including habitat loss, overfishing, and pollution.

🐢Organizations such as the Bali Sea Turtle Society are working to protect sea turtle populations by monitoring nests, relocating eggs to safer locations, and educating local communities about the importance of conservation.

🐢In recent years, Bali has become a popular destination for "turtle tourism," with visitors coming to see these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.

So please respect their space 💙

Are you ready for your holiday?  🤩

Are you ready for your holiday? 🤩

😌🤍Our resort also offers traditional Balinese massages, which will help you relax your body and mind. To ensure the most...

😌🤍Our resort also offers traditional Balinese massages, which will help you relax your body and mind. To ensure the most comfortable experience possible, the masseuse will come directly to your room. This way, you can relax in the comfort of your own space and let the experienced masseuse pamper you.
Balinese massages are known for their use of yoga and acupressure elements, which help release tension in the body and improve blood circulation. The massage therapy is performed using deep pressure and slow movements, which helps eliminate muscle tension and release stress.
In short, if you're looking for the perfect way to unwind and relax during your stay, a traditional Balinese massage is just for you.

V rámci resortu je také možnost tradiční balijské masáže, která Vám pomůže zrelaxovat tělo a mysl.
Abychom Vám zajistili co nejpohodlnější zážitek, masérka přijede přímo na Váš pokoj. Tímto způsobem můžete relaxovat v pohodlí svého vlastního prostoru a nechat se hýčkat zkušenou masérkou.
Balijské masáže jsou známé svým využitím prvků jógy a akupresury, které pomáhají uvolňovat napětí v těle a zlepšovat krevní oběh. Masážní terapie se provádí pomocí hlubokého tlaku a pomalých pohybů, což pomáhá eliminovat svalové napětí a uvolňovat stres.
Zkrátka, pokud hledáte dokonalý způsob, jak se uvolnit a zrelaxovat v průběhu svého pobytu, tradiční balijská masáž pro Vás bude to pravé.

🌊 Wreck around resort 🤩If you have ever dived on a wreck, you know it's an experience like no other. And we have not one...

🌊 Wreck around resort 🤩
If you have ever dived on a wreck, you know it's an experience like no other. And we have not one, but two wrecks near our resort! Wreck diving is one of the most popular activities for divers and our location offers several sites worth exploring. These wrecks are home to many types of coral, fish, and other sea creatures, providing a beautiful and unique underwater scenery. Our experienced freediving instructors will ensure your safety and provide professional guidance throughout the dive. If you are a beginner, we are happy to offer a freediving course that will teach you the basics and prepare you for this unforgettable experience.

Vraky kolem resortu.
Kdo se někdy potápěl na vraku, tak ví, že je to zážitek. A my máme v blízkosti resortu vraky rovnou dva!
Potápění na vraku je jednou z nejoblíbenějších aktivit pro potápěče a naše lokalita nabízí několik míst, které stojí za to prozkoumat. Tyto vraky jsou domovem mnoha druhů korálů, ryb a dalších živočichů, což poskytuje nádhernou a unikátní podmořskou scenérii. Naši zkušení instruktoři freedivingu Vám zajistí bezpečnost a profesionální průvodce během celého potápění. Pokud jste začátečník, rádi Vám nabídneme freedivingivý kurz, který Vás naučí základům a připraví Vás na tuto nezapomenutelnou zážitkovou aktivitu.

🐠Fauna you can see here 🐠⚠️ Danger fish Pterois volitans, commonly known as the red lionfish, is a species of venomous m...

🐠Fauna you can see here 🐠
⚠️ Danger fish
Pterois volitans, commonly known as the red lionfish, is a species of venomous marine fish native to the Indo-Pacific region. Here are some interesting things about this fish:

🐠Red lionfish are known for their striking appearance, featuring red, white, and black stripes and long, venomous spines on their dorsal, a**l, and pelvic fins.

🐠These fish are typically found in coral reefs, rocky crevices, and other shallow, tropical marine habitats.

🐠Red lionfish are opportunistic predators, feeding on a variety of small fish, crustaceans, and other invertebrates.

🐠Because they are not native to the Atlantic Ocean, where they have been introduced through aquarium trade, red lionfish are considered an invasive species and have caused significant damage to local ecosystems.

🐠The venom of the red lionfish is not usually fatal to humans, but it can cause severe pain, swelling, and other symptoms. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if stung by a red lionfish.

🐠Despite their venomous spines, red lionfish are popular choices for saltwater aquariums due to their striking appearance and active personalities.

🐠Red lionfish are known to exhibit complex social behaviors, such as territoriality and mating rituals.

🐠Female red lionfish can release up to 30,000 eggs in a single spawn, which can occur multiple times per year.

🐠In some areas where red lionfish have become overpopulated, efforts are underway to control their numbers through fishing, spearfishing, and other methods.

🐠The conservation status of red lionfish is currently unknown, but their introduction to new ecosystems and potential impacts on native species are a cause for concern among marine biologists and conservationists.


Jalan Patai Kubu, Gang Polos, Desa Kubu, Kecamatan Kubu, Karangasem
Karangasem Regency





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